Friday, July 29, 2011
Ramadhan menjelma lagi
KUALA LUMPUR - Sighting of the new moon to determine the start of the fasting month for Muslims in Malaysia will be conducted in the evening, this Sunday or 29th Syaaban 1432 Hijrah of the Islamic calendar.
A statement from the office of the Keeper of the Rulers' Seal said that among the sites for the sighting of the new moon are Pontian Kecil in Johor, Falak Al-Khawarizmi Complex in Tanjung Bidara (Melaka), Teluk Kemang (Negeri Sembilan), Bukit Melawati, Pulau Angsa, Bukit Jugra and Balai Cerap Selangor in Sabak Bernam (Selangor), Pasir Panjang beach (Perak), Pusat Falak Sheikh Tahir in Pantai Aceh (Penang), Kampung Pulau Sayak in Kuala Muda, Pemandangan Indah in Pulau Langkawi and Alor Setar Tower (Kedah), and Kuala Sungai Baru in Simpang Empat (Perlis).
The other sites in the peninsula are Bukit Besar in Kuala Terengganu, Bukit Kemuning in Kemaman, Pulau Perhentian, Balai Cerap KUSZA in Setiu (Terengganu), Bukit Peraksi in Pasir Puteh, Bukit Kampong Tembeling in Kuala Krai and SEDC tower block in Kota Baharu (Kelantan), Bukit Tanjong Batu in Nenasi, Gunung Brinchang in Cameron Highlands and Bukit Pelindong in Kuantan (Pahang), Kuala Lumpur Tower and Putrajaya International Convention Centre.
In East Malaysia, the sighting will be from Tanjong Lubang in Miri, Teluk Bandung in Kuching, Tanjung Batu in Bintulu (Sarawak), and Balai Cerap Al-Biruni in Putatan (Sabah) and Menara Universiti Malaysia Sabah (Labuan).
The Conference of Rulers agreed that the start of the fasting month would be determined by Rukyah (sighting of the new moon) and Hisab (astronomical calculations, and the announcement of the date to be made by the Keeper of the Rulers' Seal over radio and television on Sunday night, according to the statement.
Thursday, July 28, 2011
Warkah untuk polis
Terlebih dahulu, pohon kemaafan jika warkah ini terbuka. Saya harap ia dapat dibaca oleh semua. Jika ada kebaikan, ambillah darinya. Jika tidak, campaklah ia ke tepi dan lupakan sahaja.
Ia hanya satu coretan dari seorang rakyat bawahan. Tanda cinta dan kasih kepada saudara yang saya lihat tercegat di segala penjuru negara atas tanggungjawab menjaga keamanan kita semua. Mata memandang, hati merintih dan berdoa agar tugasan saudara benar-benar diberikan pahala di sisi Tuhan dan diiktiraf di sisi rakyat.
Saudaraku anggota polis,
Kerja polis adalah satu kerja yang mulia kerana menjaga keamanan dalam negara. Penat lelah anggota polis dalam memastikan negara kita aman dan adil adalah pahala yang amat besar di sisi Allah jika pengamalnya jujur dan ikhlas.
Cegah kemungkaran
Saudaraku anggota polis,

Itu moto asal pasukan polis. Sekalipun, tumpuan terbanyaknya kepada bahagian kedua iaitu 'Mencegah Kemungkaran'. Hakikatnya, polis berperanan menyelamatkan masyarakat dari kemurkaan Allah dengan dipastikan setiap penzalim akan dihalang, dicegah dan dihukum.
Jika itu tidak berlaku, masyarakat akan porak peranda dan menerima hukuman dari Allah. Allah berfirman: (maksudnya): “Telah dilaknat mereka yang kufur daripada Bani Israil melalui lidah Daud dan Isa bin Maryam. Yang demikian itu disebabkan mereka menderhaka dan selalu menceroboh. Mereka sentiasa tidak berlarang (sesama sendiri) perbuatan mungkar yang mereka kerjakan. Demi sesungguhnya amatlah buruknya apa yang mereka telah lakukan. (Surah al-Maidah, ayat 78-79).
Nabi s.a.w pula bersabda: “Sesungguhnya manusia apabila melihat orang zalim, namun tidak menghalang tangannya, hampir Allah akan meliputi mereka dengan hukumanNya” (Riwayat Abu Daud, al-Tirmizi dan al-Nasai dengan sanad yang sahih).
Kami sebagai rakyat mengucapkan jutaan terima kasih kepada pihak polis yang telah menyelamatkan masyarakat dari kemurkaan Allah, kezaliman dan kerosakan.
Bahaya kuasa
Tuesday, July 26, 2011
Hantu di NSTP
Things must be getting pretty bad at Balai Berita. Ghosts and ghostbusters have been seen at the newspaper offices. Yes, really, said an NST insider.
Production of the first edition of this week’s New Sunday Times was disrupted for half an hour on Saturday night as a group of bomohs carried out exorcism rites throughout Balai Berita, including the 14-storey car park.
An NST insider said the team of bomohs went through each of the three wings of Balai Berita, floor by floor.
NST editorial staff on the second floor of the new wing were cleared out at 9.20pm — rush-hour for the sub-editing desk, with just an hour before the first edition pages are closed. Everyone was asked to leave their work, go downstairs and wait outside while the bomohs carried out their rites.
Read more at:
Ghosts or ghostly apparitions have reportedly been sighted in the building, most often at the multi-story car park from level 12 upwards, late at night. Sightings were reported at midnight, and one sighting at 2am.
(Editorial staff of NSTP Group newspapers work until 2am, to produce the final editions of NST, Berita Harian and Harian Metro for the Klang Valley. Most of those working late are sub-editors, the people in charge of editing news reports and producing news pages, graphic artists, and production staff.)
The “ghosts” were apparently seen perched on the ledges of the open wall car park floors.
One news reporter who is said to have sighted a ghost has been on sick leave (but this could not be confirmed).
Now that the bomohs have done their job and cleaned up Balai Berita, thousands of readers will now be hoping that they, too, will not be haunted by the kind of news coverage that has characterised NSTP Group newspapers of late.
Read more at:
Production of the first edition of this week’s New Sunday Times was disrupted for half an hour on Saturday night as a group of bomohs carried out exorcism rites throughout Balai Berita, including the 14-storey car park.
An NST insider said the team of bomohs went through each of the three wings of Balai Berita, floor by floor.
NST editorial staff on the second floor of the new wing were cleared out at 9.20pm — rush-hour for the sub-editing desk, with just an hour before the first edition pages are closed. Everyone was asked to leave their work, go downstairs and wait outside while the bomohs carried out their rites.
Read more at:
Ghosts or ghostly apparitions have reportedly been sighted in the building, most often at the multi-story car park from level 12 upwards, late at night. Sightings were reported at midnight, and one sighting at 2am.
(Editorial staff of NSTP Group newspapers work until 2am, to produce the final editions of NST, Berita Harian and Harian Metro for the Klang Valley. Most of those working late are sub-editors, the people in charge of editing news reports and producing news pages, graphic artists, and production staff.)
The “ghosts” were apparently seen perched on the ledges of the open wall car park floors.
One news reporter who is said to have sighted a ghost has been on sick leave (but this could not be confirmed).
Now that the bomohs have done their job and cleaned up Balai Berita, thousands of readers will now be hoping that they, too, will not be haunted by the kind of news coverage that has characterised NSTP Group newspapers of late.
Read more at:
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